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Entering Switzerland

Switzerland Travel Guide

Entering Switzerland

Visa Requirements

Citizens of most countries do not need a visa to enter Switzerland for short stays (up to 90 days within a 180-day period). However, there are a few countries whose citizens do require a visa. You can check the [Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs website]( to see if you need a visa.

Short-Stay Calculator

If you are unsure whether you need a visa, you can use the [Swiss Federal Office of Migration's short-stay calculator]( This tool will ask you a few questions about your nationality and travel plans, and it will tell you whether you need a visa.

How to Say Hello in Swiss German

There are several ways to say hello in Swiss German. The most common way is "Grüezi". This is pronounced "groo-eh-tsee". You can also say "Sali", which is pronounced "sah-lee". If you are speaking to someone who you know well, you can say "Hoi", which is pronounced "hoy".

When you say hello in Swiss German, it is important to make eye contact and smile. You should also speak in a clear and friendly voice.

Additional Information

For more information about traveling to Switzerland, please visit the [Swiss Tourism website](
